Q: Too many people love eating marshmallows as soon as they have unpacked them, so sweet and puffy and irresistible they are. If you are not that kind of person, if you name yourself a gourmet, then eating marshmallows from the package is not quite your cup of tea. You want something luxurious and offbeat, yet simple. And yes, microwaved, please. S’mores! Can you microwave s’mores?
How to Make S’Mores Using Microwave?
You might find it too good to be true, but s’mores are actually as easy as one two three.
You take crackers, marshmallows, chocolate, and mix it all together and voila! A super delicious dessert is in your hands.
Now let’s slice and dice it all. The recipe is simple, still, it has some secret technology you should follow to make your guests say wow here and there.
Prepare for the biggest reveal of the s’mores recipe for the microwave oven, stolen right from the package of marshmallow and retold here for you.
- Biscuits/Crackers
- Marshmallows
- Milk chocolate
Take crackers one by one and top each of them with a piece of chocolate, then place a marshmallow on top.
It’s good to have a paper towel. You should cover a heat-resistant dish with the towel and place your prepared marshmallow “sandwiches” there.
Microwave for 10-15 seconds at high power until marshmallow is softened.
Take the dish out of the microwave oven and cover each cracker sandwich with another cracker, slightly pressing them together.
In case you have no chocolate at home and you do have peanut butter, perfect!
Spread peanut butter on the crackers and repeat the above-mentioned process.
What Is S’mores?
S’mores or, obviously, some mores are an American dessert that is cooked very fast out of cracker and marshmallow with chocolate.
When you microwave marshmallow and chocolate they will melt and transform into a delicious mass so you can make a cracker sandwich with it.
There are different methods for cooking s’mores.
It was primarily cooked by hikers on the open fire. The pieces of marshmallow get roasted on the sticks. They become so hot that they can melt the chocolate when you place it between two crackers.
Thus, you get a fast and delicious dessert.
Some people grill it, others bake in the oven, and we microwave it.
You can prepare s’mores pizza, s’mores sandwiches, s’mores cheesecake and more.
The easiest way to make s’mores is neither of the above mentioned.
Simple: take a stick, put a marshmallow on it, dip in melted chocolate and sprinkle with cookie crumbs.
Don’t forget to take out the s’mores as soon as the chocolate is slightly melted.
Don’t let it melt completely.
By the way, if you have chocolate sweets, you can replace the chocolate with them.
Can I Microwave Waffle Cone S’Mores?
Yes, sure. That’s a very good idea. This dessert will look festive and apply to any small friends’ party or family holiday when you are in a hurry.
All you need to do is to fill each waffle cone with a few pieces of chocolate or chocolate sweets and marshmallows.
Wrap every cone in foil so that there are no visible edges and microwave for about 20 seconds. Check if the filling has melted.
We can give you a strict instruction on how much time it must take because it depends on your microwave capacity and the size of the cone.
You know what, many stores sell glazed marshmallow, so you don’t need to buy a chocolate bar. Go buy a ready marshmallow covered with chocolate and place it on a cracker, then microwave as usual.
What Can I Add to S’Mores?
The three-ingredient dessert is perfect as it is, but sometimes you just want to add something to it.
If you feel like the fourth ingredient will create harmony is s’mores but you still can’t think of what it could be, listen to what we advise you:
- Hide strawberry inside
- Cut a banana and fill it with s’mores
- Add cheese to make salty s’mores
- Use Nutella instead of chocolate
- Cover s’mores with cookie dough
- Dip marshmallow in a liquor
- Put a piece of frozen ice-cream inside
- Put Hershey’s chocolate kiss
- Take doughnuts instead of crackers
- Go creative and think of a unique s’mores version