Q: Finally, you arrive at the point where you need to know exactly if you can microwave cookie dough. Once we heard a dialogue between a new mom and a mother of three who said that they all love homemade cookies but she hates cooking and spends minutes of precious time in the kitchen. She just can’t allow eating manufactured products to her family. At the end of the day, you never know what’s inside. So the new mother asked: “But how do you cope with that? The cookie dough isn’t something done fast. Do you microwave it or what?” Indeed, does she microwave cookie dough? Let’s try to sort it out.
Is Microwaving Cookie Dough Fast and Easy?
There are many parents out there who still cook nutritious food at home and take care of their family’s health.
We are no exception and we want to reveal the secret before you: cookie dough can be microwaved. This is fast and simple. Try it.
We all work, go on vacations, meet friends and host guests, and the sweet and warm odor of the homemade cookies, especially at Christmas, makes us want to cook it sometimes in own kitchen.
Learn one of the most convenient methods of microwaving cookie dough and you will love it forever.
How to Microwave Cookie Dough in Four Minutes?
- Butter – 100 g
- Sugar – 50 g
- Milk – 1 tbs
- Flour – 175 g
- Salt
- Cocoa powder – 2-3 tbs
First, prepare the butter. It is better if it is at room temperature.
If the butter is cold, then you can grate it.
Add sugar (the amount of sugar can be regulated, of course. Maybe you like sweeter or less sweet pastries).
Add a pinch of salt to enhance the taste of chocolate.
Now is the flour’s turn. You need to sift it before use.
Pour in the milk and if you had no milk, you can add yogurt or even water, but it tastes much better with milk.
Mix the mass and add the cocoa powder.
Now we knead the dough more intensively until you reach the soft and plastic mass.
Divide the dough into pieces which are slightly smaller than the nut size. After that, roll the balls from the dough pieces.
To make cookies for microwaving, press the dough pieces with your fingers or a clean glass.
You can make a drawing on the top of each cookie with the back side of the knife or a fork so that the cookie is not only tasty but also beautiful.
Put the chocolate biscuits in the microwave oven for 5 minutes.
Do not evaporate moisture at high power. You’ll get better results if you set your microwave at 450 Watt or a little above average.
Apparently, you don’t want to use baking paper because the cookie dough will simply stick to it.
As the cookies are ready, take them out and cool down to get a crispy and extremely delicious dessert.
How to Microwave Valentine’s Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookie Dough?
This recipe is the best choice to cook for your loved ones because the cookies you will prepare by following a few simple steps will be nutritious, healthy and delicious.
In plus, this cookie dough contains cellulose which is more than good for the health of your beloved.
If you happen to have bananas, cottage cheese or berries (be they frozen or preserved or fresh), you will make the recipe outstanding and unique.
- Banana – 1 pc
- Almond milk – 3 cups
- Oat flakes – 3 cups
- Pumpkin puree (or canned baby food) – 2 tbs
- Nut oil – 1 tbs
- Raisins (or other dried fruits) – 3 tsp
- Linseed – 2 tsp
- Cinnamon – 1/4 tsp
Mix all the ingredients, place them in a heat-resistant container and put in the microwave oven.
Microwave cookie dough for 4-5 minutes (you can always give it more time if needed).
Get the cookies out of the microwave, cool them and enjoy!