Q: Cottage cheese is one of the compound products in the kitchen for many housewives. It is worth buying a dairy product of the wrong fatness, and you risk to get a completely different dish. So if you are going to cook something with cottage cheese (or cream cheese in our case), be ready to invent something new. We will not experiment, but only improve the way of preparing a well-known cheesecake. How will it work out in a microwave oven?
What a Brilliant Idea!
Today, cheesecake is one of the most famous desserts in the world, prepared in America, in Europe, and in the East.
The main advantage of this dessert is a delicate taste, and many people are ready to spend an hour or two (or even more) in the kitchen for that.
What is interesting, the origin of the cheesecake is not the United States, as it is considered due to the traditional New York dessert.
The cheesecake was known as far back as the 6th century BC. It was one of the popular dishes of Ancient Greece. This tender taste was very much appreciated by the athletes participating in the Olympic Games. They used to eat cheesecakes to maintain strength and tone their muscles.
What a brilliant idea it is to microwave cheesecake. This helps you to save your time spending only 10 minutes for the entire process (well, don’t take into account the two hours needed for your cheesecake to stand in the fridge).
What is more, you do not need to make a huge cake for your guests, but use several heat-resistant mugs to get it in portions right away.
The Quickest Microwave Cheesecake
- Biscuits – 50 g
- Melted butter – 2 tbs
- Soft cream cheese – 120 g
- Sour cream (fat) – 120 g
- Egg – 1 pc
- Sugar powder – 60 g
- Orange juice – 2 tbs
Blend or grind the biscuits (my favorite method, though, is to put the biscuits in a packet and crumb them using a steak hammer).
Add melted butter, mix and cover the bottom of the dishes in which you are going to microwave the cheesecakes.
Whisk the cream cheese with the sour cream until the mass is homogeneous.
Beat it up with sugar powder and an egg.
A couple tablespoons of orange juice would be perfect, but don’t worry if you don’t have it at hand. This is not obligatory at all.
Microwave each portion separately for two minutes at 700-750 Watt. Take the cheesecake out as soon as you’ve noticed ‘beads’ on the surface.
Put the microwaved cheesecakes in the fridge for 1-2 hours, then decorate with grated chocolate, cocoa powder, nuts or fruits, and serve the dessert.
An interesting life hack for microwaving cheesecakes is to use small glass jars instead of mugs.
The cheesecakes will look cool and festive if you decorate them with seasonal fruits like strawberries or raspberries.
DIY Cream Cheese
Cream cheese is considered most people’s favorite delicacy. You must have heard the words like Philadelphia, Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Blue Cheese, Ricotta etc.
You can often find a spicy or very mild dairy product at a casual and festive table.
Low-calorie cream cheese is included in a diet of those willing to lose weight.
And, of course, we need it for microwave cheesecakes.
To prepare the cheese, you must follow the step-by-step instructions.
Classical technology requires the following ingredients:
- Salt – 20 g
- Eggs – 2 pcs
- Cottage cheese (high fat content) – 1 kg
- Butter – 90 g
- Soda – 15 g
Put cottage cheese into a thick-walled pan (the thicker the better), and top with soda. Exclude large lumps by stirring the mass with your hands.
Сover the dish with a lid and let it stand for 3 hours until your homemade cream cheese becomes light yellow.
Add cool eggs to the basic mixture. Melt the butter in the microwave oven and send to a pan.
Salt the mass and mix it with a wooden spatula until smooth.
Simmer the cheese on the stove for 20 minutes without moving it away. You need to stir the cheese constantly to make sure there are no grains.
Stop simmering when the mass becomes homogeneous and liquid. Put the cheese mixture in a bowl and flatten with a spatula or a fork. Allow it to cool, then put in the fridge for about five hours.
Now you can start eating your cream cheese or use it to microwave a cheesecake.
The DIY cream cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 20 days.