Q: You probably fell from the star if you do not know what Nutella is and what to eat it with. Nevertheless, it seems to us that we can still surprise you with something about Nutella. Recently we have been asked whether it is possible to microwave a cupcake with Nutella. What about a simple sandwich? See what we replied.
How to Make a Nutella Cupcake in the Microwave Oven?
- Egg – 1 pc
- Flour – 4 tbs
- Sugar – 4 tbs
- Nutella – 3 tbs
- Vegetable oil – 3 tbs
- Milk – 3 tbs
- Cocoa – 3 tbs
Take a large microwaveable mug and mix sugar with flour and cocoa powder in it.
Add an egg, pour vegetable oil and milk, and add Nutella.
Using a fork, whip the mass until it’s even.
Place the mug in the microwave oven and bake for 2-3 minutes.
Decorate with chocolate chips, if you want.
Tell Me, Please, What Nutella Is?
For those who are making first steps towards meeting Nutella, we will briefly outline what it is.
When you open a jar of Nutella, you will find a chocolate-nut paste inside.
This product belongs to a world-known Italian brand Ferrero since 1964.
Over 180.000 tons of Nutella paste are produced annually.
If you build a tower out of the Nutella jars that have been manufactured by all the capacities during one working day, it will be as high as 160 kilometers or 462 Eiffel towers.
You are even able to join the celebration of the Nutella Day on February, 5 and taste various Nutella-based dishes.
What are they?
- Sandwiches
- Pancakes
- Muffins
- Croissants
- Cupcakes
- Cream for cakes and pastries
Hot Chocolate With Nutella in the Microwave
To prepare hot chocolate based on Nutella, you will need the following ingredients: one to two tablespoons of Nutella, one glass of water, and a microwaveable saucepan.
Pour water or milk into the glass and place it in the microwave for about 2 to 3 minutes.
Now add Nutella to the cup and warm everything up for about 1 minute.
Your hot chocolate is ready!
If you want to make hot chocolate even more “chocolate-like”, you can add a couple of spoons of cocoa powder to the cup.
For coffee lovers, add one or two teaspoons of espresso to the glass.
DIY Nutella Paste Using Microwave
Do you know that you can prepare the Nutella paste at home? As a matter of fact, this is very easy.
You just need some milk or water, cocoa, and hazelnuts.
We recommend you to try out this recipe for Nutella with milk chocolate.
Hazelnuts – 1 glass or 200 g
Milk chocolate – 340 g
Vegetable oil – 2 tbs
Sugar powder – 3 tbs
Cocoa powder – 2 tbs
Vanilla (to your taste)
Salt (if you wish)
Actually, here you need the microwave oven to fry nuts.
Choose the best and high-quality odorless vegetable oil for the paste. You can also use hazelnut oil.
First, you need to fry the nuts in the microwave oven (visit our page on how to microwave nuts). After that, peel and grind them.
Break chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath or in the microwave oven.
Put together the crushed nuts and the melted chocolate. Stir well.
Add the cocoa powder, vegetable oil and mix well again. You should get a very smooth paste.
Put the ready homemade Nutella paste in a clean jar and store in the fridge.
It’s All About Chocolate and Nuts: Is It Healthy At All?
The Ferrero company recommends eating Nutella in the amount of two teaspoons (!) a day. This portion contains only 80 calories and is sufficient for the body to receive the necessary portion of vigor and energy.
The presence of cocoa paste in the contents helps to perk up and stimulates the hormone of endorphin production.
Nutella does not contain artificial colorants and preservation agents.
What If I Eat Three Spoons of Nutella?
Nutella is a hydrocarbonated product, so people who are prone to fatness should not be too fond of this sweetness.
It is obligatory to completely refuse to eat Nutella if you are allergic to milk, nuts and cocoa-containing products.