Q: Mussels became extremely popular as a dietary product in the last several years. Not only are they delicious but also healthy. Mussels are low-calorie, they normalize digestion, strengthen immunity and are good for men’s health even. Can microwave oven destroy all the merits of mussels when used for cooking them?
How to Cook Mussels in the Microwave?
We are going to reveal to you the method of microwaving mussels which allows you to save all the useful qualities of this product.
Besides, mussels will preserve their unusual taste.
To cook perfect mussels in the microwave, you need:
Mussels – 400 g
White wine – 200 ml
Olive oil – 2 tbs
Butter – 2 tbs
Garlic – 2 cloves
- Defrost the mussels, clean if necessary, but try not to damage the shells in the process of preparation
- Lay the mussels out in a deep bowl or pot, pour in two glasses of water and wine
- Cover with the lid and microwave for 15 minutes at full power (during this time the shell should already open.) If not, cook the mussels in the microwave for a little longer, topping up the water
- While the mussels are being prepared, make the sauce: in a separate bowl, mix olive oil, crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and melted butter (you can use the microwave to melt it fast.) Stir and set aside.
- Once the mussels are cooked, we catch them from the liquid, put on a dish, and pour over the prepared sauce, or serve the sauce separately.
Now you know the easiest way to cook mussels in the microwave oven.
Can I Microwave Frozen Mussels in Shells?
This can be your perfect microwave recipe for holidays and special occasions.
It tastes good even when your guests are late because you can serve these microwaved mussels hot as well as cold.
Another privilege of the frozen mussels in the microwave is easiness.
Mind that frozen mussels must sit in shells – this is crucial.
Otherwise, you risk ruining their taste.
Cleaned mussels are no good for this dish as long as they are drier and taste different.
Despite this, they can be both small and large in the shells, which make no difference for this recipe. You just need to control the cooking time.
Mussels in shells – 500 g
Tomato – 1 pc
Cheese – 50 g
Lemon juice – 1 tbs
- Unfreeze mussels in shells. If you bought mussels on one shell, then just clean them from seaweed, sprinkle with lemon juice and put aside. If you got them completely covered with shell, then take the knife, separate the extra shell, clean them from the seaweed and sprinkle with lemon juice (squash half a fresh lemon.)
- Wash the tomato, dry, cut into small plates, and put them on the top of the mussels. Sprinkle over with finely chopped dill.
- Rub the cheese on an average grater, spread evenly over the mussels, place on a flat plate and put into the microwave oven for 2 minutes at 900 Watt.
The cooked dish can be immediately served on the table as a hot snack, or you can prepare them in advance and pamper your guests with a cold snack.
Open the microwave and enjoy a great dish.
Mussels at Your Kitchen: For and Against
This seafood product is quite cheap and widely used in the restaurants as a basis for lots of dishes.
Mussels contain:
- 5 g useful protein substances per 100 g of fresh mussels
- Low level of carbohydrates
- Insignificant amount of fats
- Can help you to lose weight and sportsmen to train their muscles
- 77 kilocalories by 100 g of mussels
Also, mussels contain minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Numerous studies approve that mussels can give you a young and shiny skin and strong nerves.
They make it is easier to cope with physical and emotional overloads; increase the work of the body defenses, or even resist complications as a result of inflammatory diseases.