Q: Lettuce has always been on our table as a wonderful decision for decorating salads, microwaved meat dishes, and vegetable plates. Have you ever wondered if lettuce itself could be microwaved as part of a sandwich or alongside the grilled meat leftovers?
Why Do You Need to Microwave Lettuce?
You have made lettuce sandwiches for your child to eat at school and he or she didn’t, but they didn’t give it to a bird or the running animal. Instead, they wanted to eat their sandwich with lettuce later at home. Therefore, you need to microwave the sandwich to make it edible again. Won’t it harm the lettuce inside?
Another case is when you cook a really fast Ceasar salad from the products that you have taken right out of the fridge. You want to warm them up fast so you open the door of the microwave oven, stop here and think to yourself if you can do that to the lettuce.
The answer to all of your questions concerning if lettuce can be easily microwaved is yes, it can.
Microwaveable Lettuce and Chicken Salad
For this dish you need:
- Lettuce – 0.5 – 1 loaf
- 1 roasted chicken
- 150 g of bacon
- 340 g of canned corn
- 4 pieces of canned pineapple
- 3 tomatoes
- 5 of a cucumber
To make the sauce, take:
- 300 ml of sour cream
- 1 tsp of curry
- Salt
- White ground pepper
First, take the whole roasted chicken and remove the skin. Clean it from the bones and cut the meat in pieces.
Microwave the bacon for 2-3 minutes at 800 Watt.
Line the dish with the lettuce leaves and top it with tomato lobules and cucumber bars.
Sprinkle with the corn, then place the pineapple, finish the “mountain” with the chicken, and sprinkle with the bacon that you have chopped before.
Set the salad aside in a cold place and start to prepare the sauce.
For this, mix all the sauce ingredients together and add the pineapple syrup to regulate density. Let the sauce sit in a cold place to get to readiness, then use as needed.
Can I Cook Ceasar Salad in the Microwave?
Microwaved Ceasar salad is a good alternative to a traditional way of preparing this dish, which saves you time and nerves.
To cook the Ceasar salad in the microwave oven, you need to collect all the ingredients together in one place on the table. They are 1 lettuce, 1 grated garlic clove, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, two eggs, 1 teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, juice of two lemons, 6 tablespoons of grated parmesan, 1 cup of garlic crackers, salt, and pepper.
The preparation method:
- Cut lettuce into middle-sized pieces and put them in a heat-resistant bowl.
- Salt and pepper to your taste
- Beat the eggs, pierce the yolks with the fork and microwave at the “Defrosting” mode for 1.5 minutes
- Add the eggs to the salad and mix with the sauce
- The rest of the products need to be put to the mass and stirred thoroughly.
Goat Cheese Salad With Lettuce Using Microwave
- 12 leaves of lettuce
- A bunch of cress salad
- 20 mustard leaves
- 2 tablespoons of orange leaves extract
- 2 tablespoons of Dijon mustard
- 3 tablespoons of grape or rice vinegar
- Salt
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
This is not the simplest recipe you could have ever found here, but this is extremely delicious and fast if you put the products by.
The preparation itself is easy as one two three.
Distribute the clean herbs in the dishes and place a piece of the goat cheese in the middle.
Mix the rest of the ingredients and stir in a bowl.
Microwave the dish for three minutes at the “Defrost” mode.
Mix the mass again and pour dressing over the salad. It should be served warm.