Q: Do we really mean that you can microwave yogurt? Is it healthy? Won’t we kill all the good bacteria in it? Certainly, there are a few lifehacks to keep in mind when you are about to make one of the most delicious dairy products in a microwave. Read on and you will learn how to warm up a glass of yogurt in less than a minute or make it in the microwave keeping the good bacteria alive.
How to Heat Up Yogurt in the Microwave?
We say that it’s possible to heat up yogurt in the microwave, although this is not as healthy as it could be if you had used a water bath or just let your glass of yogurt sit at the room temperature for about 20 minutes.
To heat up yogurt in the microwave, make sure that you throw out the plastic package and pour the yogurt in a glass or ceramic bowl.
Place the container in the oven and warm up for about 10 seconds. Stir and try it. If its temperature is still too low, heat it up for another 10 seconds.
Microwaves do kill good bacteria, but regarding the fact that yogurt is made at the temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, you just have to prevent it from boiling and curdling. If you urgently need a fast heated yogurt, microwaving it at low power won’t be harmful to your health.
Don’t forget to stir the yogurt before consumption.
Don’t-Do-That Things When Making Yogurt
- Check it every 15 minutes to see if it’s ready yet (and you spoil the whole thing)
- Use old milk (you will shorten it’s storage period and “enjoy” bad taste)
- Use cold milk (and consistency of your yogurt will resemble of milk. Good bacteria love when it’s warm)
- Eat the yogurt to the very last drop (and you’ll have no “starter” to make a new portion of yogurt)
Just leave some small amount of ready yogurt to start a new one and you will save yourself time and money (if you weren’t going to prepare the next batch right now, pour your yogurt leftover in a small plastic can and freeze it! So the next time you are ready to make yogurt, just defrost it and use as a starter to add to fresh milk. By the way, yogurt can be kept frozen for about 3 months!)
How to Make Yogurt in the Microwave?
There are different ways to make natural, delicious, nutritious homemade yogurt in the microwave.
If your oven has a “Fermentation” option, you can microwave yogurt for 8 hours at 40°C as follows:
- Before use, treat all the dishes with boiling water
- Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starter material in 2 tbs of boiled water at room temperature and shake well
- Boil fresh milk (3 cups or so) and cool it to 40-50 degrees Celsius
- Add starter to the milk and stir. Cover with cling wrap
- Microwave at the “Fermentation” mode for 6-7 hours
Another way is to heat products in the microwave, and leave the yogurt sit overnight.
Fresh milk – 500 grams
Any plain yogurt (or left over of your previous yogurt as a starter) – 50-100 ml
- Microwave milk until it boils (it usually takes around 6 min)
- Cool it to 40 degrees Celsius
- Add yogurt, stir it, pour the mass in a thermos flask or a pot and wrap it in a warm towel or blanket. Leave it alone for the night
In the morning, you’ll get a super delicious dairy product.
Add sugar or pieces of season fruits and your kids will love it.
You may also use homemade yogurt as a dressing for salads, meat or vegetables.
And, of course, yogurt is a perfect ingredient for face masks to keep your skin fresh and young. Enjoy!