Q: Among all the other desserts, milk pudding is the most delicate and digestible, light, fast and easy to make dessert for lunch, brunch or a dinner party. It’s loved by adults and kids. As a dairy product, milk pudding is also very healthy. Can we microwave milk pudding and will it remain as healthy and tasty? Check it out.
Why is Milk Pudding So Healthy?
Thanks to its tender milky consistency, milk puddings are useful for mucous membranes, growth and restoration of bones, iron transport and production of erythrocytes.
Besides, milk puddings promote good metabolism and stimulate appetite.
What is more, they improve blood circulation and promote tissue regeneration.
Including milk puddings to your diet will help you lose weight and be toned.
Obviously, the most important ingredient in milk puddings is milk. But there are thousands of recipes and varieties of puddings with fruit, vanilla and cinnamon, nuts and coconuts, cocoa, chocolate and even tea leaves.
You can bake it, boil it, or freeze it.
How to Make a Traditional English Milk Bread Pudding in a Microwave?
This classical dessert was first cooked in England centuries ago. The main ingredients for this meal were dry bread, milk, sugar and eggs. Certainly, now milk puddings are much more delicious thanks to syrups, fruits, semolina or rice cereals, or chocolate added to them.
The bread base can be different: fresh yeast bread, crackers from cookies and Easter cakes, buns, or products with bran.
One of the best ways to cook the traditional English milk bread pudding is microwaving.
- 1 big egg
- 3-4 chunks of French bread
- 1/3 glass of milk (3.2% fat)
- 1 tbs of sugar
- ½ vanilla sugar packet
- ½ tsp of cinnamon
To make your milk pudding as tasty as possible, use the whole egg, make sure that the temperature in the oven doesn’t reach higher than 180 degrees Celsius, always grease your baking dish (with butter or thick syrups or caramel etc.), and overlap the bread.
- Cut the hard crusts from the bread. If you are going to make a small portion of pudding and use a bowl, then cut the breadcrumb to smaller pieces. You need 2-3 chunks of French bread for one portion of milk bread pudding.
- Fill 2/3 of the bowl with bread.
- Whip an egg till it’s even.
- Add sugar or sugar powder.
- Add milk and vanilla.
- Now everything must be thoroughly whipped with a mixer till homogeneous mass.
- In the end of the process add cinnamon and turn off the mixer.
- Pour the finished mixture over the pieces of bread in the bowl and microwave for 1-2 minutes at full power.
- Decorate with berries and whipped cream.
- You can also add dried fruits and juices to the milk mass, or finish the prepared dish with coconut or chocolate chips, ground nuts as well as pour on your favourite syrup.
How to Microwave a Chinese Ginger Milk Pudding?
For one portion you need:
Whole milk – 250 ml
Fresh ginger root – 2 slices
Sugar – 1 tablespoon
Finely chop the ginger, place it in a small strainer and squeeze out the juice. Throw out the pulp.
Mix sugar with milk in a middle size heat-resistant bowl and microwave it for 1 minute. Take out and stir. Microwave again for another minute until it starts boiling.
Add ginger juice to the milk. Let it sit for 5 minutes until it cools to an airy thick consistency.
Microwaved Banana Milk Pudding for Kids
Fatty cream – 200 ml
Milk – 100 ml
Sugar – 1 tbs
Banana – 1 pc
Lemon juice (optional) – 1 tsp
Chocolate – 5 slices
Gelatin – 5 grams
Water – 50 ml
Mix gelatin and water in a small bowl. Microwave it for 30 seconds at 500 Watts. Gelatin must dissolve completely.
In a separate bowl, microwave pieces of chocolate for 30 seconds. Let the chocolate melt. If the time mentioned is not enough, stir the chocolate and let it microwave for another 30 seconds.
Peel and mash the banana, then sprinkle it with lemon juice so it doesn’t turn brown.
Take another bowl, pour in milk, add sugar and heat up in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Take it out and stir to dissolve sugar.
Now it’s time to mix all the abovementioned ingredients and add cream. Mix thoroughly to get an even mass.
Pour out the resulting banana milk pudding in molds or small cups. Pour gently on the back side of the spoon so the air bubbles do not appear in the pudding.
Cool the pudding in a fridge. Enjoy your masterpiece!