Q: My friend once threw a bachelor party where we had loads of drinks, pizza, sushi, and rolls. In the midst of pleasure, I learned that he cooked the Japanese food himself. No need to say that it hit me like a megaton of bricks! I just thought of how lucky his wife-to-be might be. I didn’t ask him much about how he did it all for a party of fourteen. He just said “A microwave oven, man”. Now I want to know exactly, how do I microwave rice for sushi and rolls (and some other dishes too)?
How to Prepare Rice for Sushi and Rolls in the Microwave Oven?
First and foremost, sort the rice thoroughly and wash it under cold running water until clean.
Then you want to pour in the cold water and let the rice sit for about 40 minutes to absorb the water and inflate.
As the time has passed, put the rice in a bowl or a saucepan (a heat-resistant one) and pour in the water.
Microwave the bowl for 7 minutes at full power and stir every two minutes.
When the rice is cooked, add special vinegar for sushi and rolls and stir again.
Now spread the rice over the lined food foil and let it cool down.
Easy like one, two, three, isn’t it?
The other day when your chief-cook friends will come visit you, you can ‘counterattack’ them by throwing an Italian party with risotto, another popular rice-based dish.
You might have thought that it’s too difficult and not for you, but in the age of microwave ovens, everything in the kitchen seems fluffy and friendly.
Vegetable Risotto in the Microwave
For this dish you will need:
- Rice (any type) – 1 cup
- Vegetable broth – 300-400 ml
- Onion – 1 pc
- Garlic – a couple cloves
- Butter – 2 tbs
- Olive oil
- Fresh tomatoes – 1-2 pcs
- Carrot or sweet pepper to your taste
- Parmesan
- Black olives – 0.5 can
- White wine
Finely cut the onion and place it in the microwave-safe bowl. Add butter, stir and microwave the mixture for three minutes at high power.
Prepare the vegetable broth (heat the ready-made one in the microwave oven) or dissolve a bouillon cube in hot water.
Put the rice in the dish with butter and onion, add a few drops of the olive oil, and pour in the bouillon. Cover tightly with the lid and microwave for 6 minutes at full power.
Take the bowl out and add a few drops of white wine (end the rest if you’ve opened a bottle especially for this occasion).
Microwave again for 5 more minutes.
While the dish is boiling, cut tomatoes and olives. Put them in the same dish that you have taken out of the microwave oven, stir and microwave again for 5 minutes.
Grate parmesan on a large grater and choose to either sprinkle it over the cooked meal or add it in the end of cooking by mixing with the rice (which tastes so great to me).
Remember that all the liquid should evaporate. This is it. You can serve the most delicious homemade vegetable risotto.
Sometimes you just want to simply boil the rice in the microwave oven. No meat, no vegetables, no seafood; just rice and salt, as if you cook it on an old good stove.
Microwave Rice
The best recipe that you should follow to get a well-boiled rice.
- Rice – 1 cup
- Water – 2 cups
- Salt
Put the rice in a heat-resistant bowl, pour in the water, salt the dish and cover tightly with the lid.
Microwave the rice for ten minutes at full power.
Don’t get perplexed if you find that some water is still there and not evaporated.
If you need a normal, dry, sticky rice, set the device to the “Defrost” mode and place the bowl again to microwave for 10 minutes at 240 Watt.