Much appreciation for your enthusiasm at the Can you Microwave It? site.
We’d love to hear from you!
We welcome you to the universe of the straightforward yet dynamic way of life: using your microwave for food. Beyond the pizza and past the soup, this kitchen appliance has more to offer.. Our content focuses on microwaves and all their glory. What to cook in the microwave and how to make it perfectly
Why You Should Submit Guest Post To Can You Microwave it?
We offer interesting discussions on saving money, heating items, life hacks, even recipes and more. Our opinion isn’t the only one that matters. We’d love to hear from you. Covering our love of microwaves. Knowing there are ways to make some amazing food in the microwave is the first, obviously. Like the best ways to use the microwave to cook, reheat and what about repurpose meals?

We love to focus on hands on ideas, hacks, new ideas and more. We love to ponder new ideas and products! Sometimes we don’t realize how valuable a microwave is for the service it offers. This is an absolute necessity as it’s why so many people relate to the shows.
Also, finally, we like to highlight details and information on new microwaves, accessories and books (recipes, cookbooks and more) is a great thing to pitch us as we’re listening.
If You Can Write, Maybe Consider Writing For Us?
On the off chance that you are a searcher of the microwave, lover of small appliances, or want to share your awesome hack – We’d love to hear from you.. You are invited to write for our developing network. We ask that you reach out with our contact form and give us your ideas and details to review.
Additionally, we review products, shows, new trends, ideas based on items and even books on our site as well. Once in a while we would even welcome a guest post from companies looking to share their latest.
This opportunity is different then writing for us as a fan or professional writer and needs to be addressed accordingly. If you are representing anything (products, people, etc.) Please contact us prior to submission for further details. We’d love to talk with you!
Remember: Contribute to Our Site:
Word Limit – as far as possible ought to be between 500-1500 words. We are flexible, but we prefer more versus less.
Title and Content – Please pick a catchy title and your article should be intriguing to everyone. Also, we need your work to be well written so out readers can easily read your work
Do-Follow Links – You can include 2 backlinks if your article has 800+ words. You can include a single Domain in the event that your words check between 600-799.
Pictures – We need your photo with an article, you can use public domain photos with proper credit. It would be ideal if your picture size is not bigger than 2MB.
Avoid too many Enhancements – Good writing and photos stand on their own. We discourage excessive underlining, bolding italics and other build-in variations. It’s distracting for our readers
Plagiarism Checker – Your substance should be 100% original. You should verify this with an online source and provide us with a quality copy.
In Closing – We welcome guest posts, articles, blog posts and ideas from everyone. After review, we will let you know if it fits what we are looking for and whether or not it will be published. We appreciate your time! Thank you for considering our blog!
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